Program Structure

Please follow the program structure outlined in the Academic Calendar from your FIRST academic year as a student at 91短视频版在线观看入口. Find the Academic Calendars HERE. If you have any questions, please contact your academic advisor. 

Minor in Environment and Society

The Minor in Environment and Society will consist of 18 credit hours distributed as follows:

A. Required Environment and Society Courses - 6 credit hours

ENVS 1013 Understanding Environmental Problems

ENVS 2023 Perspectives on Human-Nature Relations

B. Electives - 12 credit hours from list "A," 'B," or "C" in the Majors category

Major in Environment and Society

Environment and Society is offered as a double Major. Students choosing Environment and Society as their Major will also complete a second Major in another field of study. Because Environment and Society studies are interdisciplinary, any discipline that a student may choose would complement their ENVS program. ENVS electives offered by other departments may count both for the ENVS Major and for the Major in that department. Note that not all courses are offered every year. Students should consult with the ENVS Program Coordinator to plan their program of studies.

The Major in Environment and Society will consist of 36 credit hours distributed
as follows:


A. Required Environment and Society Courses


ENVS 1013 Understanding Environmental Problems
ENVS 1023 Environmental Praxis I: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
ENVS 2023 Perspectives on Human-Nature Relations
ENVS 2113 Ecological Literacy
ENVS 3013 Global Environmental Politics OR
ENVS 3043 Canadian Environmental Law and Policy
ENVS 3023 Environmental Praxis II
ENVS 4003 Capstone Seminar in Environment and Society


B. Research Methods (3 credit hours)


ENVS 3113 Research Methods (or an approved research methods course in the student’s second Major.)


C. Electives - 12 credit hours from the following. Several courses are cross-listed with other departments.  The department that offers the course is shown in parentheses.


ANTH 2033 Indigenous Lifeways in Canada

COPP 2023 Policymaking in the Info Age

COPP 3033 Public Policy and the Media

CRIM 2743 Social Protest in Canada

ECON 3333 Perspectives on Underdevelopment

ENVS 1503 Principles of Biology I (BIOL)

ENVS 1513 Principles of Biology II (BIOL)

ENVS 2033 Foundations of Leadership (CBEL 2023)

ENVS 2043 Sustainability Communications

ENVS 2123 Critical Food Studies

ENVS 2133 Religions and Ecology (RELG)

ENVS 2163 Envisioning Environmental End-Times (ENGL)

ENVS 2203 Community Economic Development (ECON)

ENVS 2213 Society and Ecology (SOCI)

ENVS 2243 Health and Sustainability I: Introduction

ENVS 2253 The Ethics of Sustainability: Thinking, Acting Green (PHIL)

ENVS 2263 Understanding Sustainability

ENVS 2313 Energy and Society

ENVS 2333 Ecological Economics (ECON)

ENVS 2413 Social Dimensions of Climate Change

ENVS 2443 Environmental Psychology (PSYC)

ENVS 3033 Nonprofit Management (BUSI 3023)

ENVS 3043 Canadian Environmental Law and Policy

ENVS 3053 Sustainability Auditing and Reporting

ENVS 3103 Political Parties and Elections in Canada (POLS)

ENVS 3123 The Canadian Constitution: Federalism (POLS)

ENVS 3133 Regenerative Food Systems

ENVS 3143 Sustainability Theory

ENVS 3153  Applied Leadership (CBEL 3023)

ENVS 3213 Media and Politics in Canada (POLS)

ENVS 3233 Environment and Human Rights (HMRT)

ENVS 3243 Health and Sustainability II: Planetary Health

ENVS 3323 Hunter-Gathers in the Modern World (ANTH)

ENVS 3333 Environmental Economics (ECON 3323)

ENVS 3406 Field Course in Art and Ecology (FNAR)

ENVS 3413 Political Economy of Climate Change
ENVS 3443 Psychology of Human-Nature Connections (PSYC)

ENVS 3613 Sustainable Community Transitions

ENVS 3703 Toxic In/Justice: Green Criminology (CRIM)

ENVS 3723 Human Ecology (ANTH)

ENVS 4103 Work-Study Project

ENVS 4443 Seminar – Environmental Psychology (PSYC)

INTR 3003 Community-based Internship

JOUR 3333 Journalism and the Natural World

NATI 2203 First Nations Arts and Sciences

NATI 2233 Natural Resources and First Nations of the Maritimes

NATI 3203 Native Philosophy

NATI 3223 Native Environmental Ethics and Ecology

NATI 3703 Indigenous and Western Economics and the Idea of Development

NATI 3923 Territorial Claims

RELG 2433 Christianity and Ecology

SOCI 3123 Social Movements, Activism, Change

SOCI 3293 Animals in Society

SOCI 3693 Discourse and Society


Other courses may qualify as electives. Please consult with the ENVS coordinator.

Honours in Environment and Society

An Honours program in Environment and Society may be arranged as an Interdisciplinary Honours. Students interested in this should consult with the ENVS Program Coordinator, the Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Studies, and the Interdisciplinary Studies section of the STU Academic Calendar.